Mrs. President of the Northern Technical University, Professor Dr. Alia Abbas Ali Al-Attar, lays the foundation stone for the expansion of the university’s fish hatchery
An inspection visit to the girls’ internal departments.
Mrs. President of the Northern Technical University, Professor Dr. Alia Abbas Ali Al-Attar, lays the foundation stone for the expansion of the university’s fish hatchery
An inspection visit to the girls’ internal departments.
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Mosul Technical Institute Offers Introduction to Primavera Project Management Software

As directed by Dr. Alia Abbas, the Rector of Northern Technical University, and supervised by Asst. Prof. Shahla Abdulwahab, the Dean of Mosul Technical Institute, a course on Introduction to Primavera Project Management Software was conducted in the Department of Civil Techniques  .

By the end of the course, participants would be able to:

  • Open and read projects in Primavera software.
  • Understand project scheduling tables and how to organize them.
  • Enter and modify project data.

The course concluded with a number of recommendations, including:

  • Organizing more introductory and advanced courses on Primavera software, given the importance of engineering management in the execution of large projects.
  • Continuing to offer specialized courses on a regular basis to educate engineers and update them on the latest developments in project implementation.

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