السيدة رئيس الجامعة التقنية الشمالية تكرم القائمين على الورشة التدريب1
The President of the Northern Iraqi Technical University honored the participants of the training workshop on the Iraqi Foundation Building Standards.
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The Higher Committee at Kirkuk Technical Institute holds an extensive meeting to discuss the implementation of institutional accreditation standards.
السيدة رئيس الجامعة التقنية الشمالية تكرم القائمين على الورشة التدريب1
The President of the Northern Iraqi Technical University honored the participants of the training workshop on the Iraqi Foundation Building Standards.
071aa355 ea5c 437f b8d9 f1d010df0147
The Higher Committee at Kirkuk Technical Institute holds an extensive meeting to discuss the implementation of institutional accreditation standards.
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Madam the Dean of Kirkuk Technical Institute receives a letter of thanks and appreciation from MP Mahdi Taqi Al-Amri, a member of the Parliamentary Security and Defense Committee

Madam the Dean of Kirkuk Technical Institute

receives a letter of thanks and appreciation from MP Mahdi Taqi Al-Amri, a member of the Parliamentary Security and Defense Committee. Assistant Professor Dr. Ashti Mahdi Aref (the Dean of the Institute) received a letter of thanks and appreciation from MP Mahdi Taqi Al-Amri, a member of the Parliamentary Security and Defense Committee. This step comes as a recognition of the academic achievements of Madam the Dean and as a support from the Iraqi Parliament for Iraqi academic competencies and personalities. The letter of thanks and appreciation was presented by Ms. Nawal Kamal, head of the Surveying Department at the Institute.

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