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The President of the Northern Technical University meets with the Director General of the Department of Human Development in the Iraqi Ministry of Planning.
The President of the Northern Technical University meets with His Excellency the Minister of Commerce
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Kirkuk Health and Medical Technical College hold a scientific course entitled (Medical Plants, Use and Extraction Methods).

Under the patronage of the President of the Northern Technical University, Prof. Dr. Alia Abbas Al-Attar, and the supervision of Prof. Dr. Muhammad Yawuz Noureddine, Dean of the Health and Medical Technical College of Kirkuk, the Department of Therapeutic Nutrition Techniques organized a scientific course entitled (Medical Plants, Use and Extraction Methods).
Attending the session are:-

  1. Prof. Najdat Ali Shafik / teacher
  2. M.Istibraq Ali Hamid/ Instructor.
    It was attended by a group of faculty and technicians.
    The course dealt with:
    The subject of medicinal plants and their role in the manufacture of medicine is used to treat many diseases, as well as methods of extraction and use.
    The course indicated:
    Shortly, medicinal plants are promising a bright future, as there are more than half a million (500,000) plants, of which only a few have been studied or used recently, and it is not long before we find in the rest of them an effective medicine for many diseases, and with the development of modern means, the concept of changing the concept of Knowing more about the active substances in each plant, and the chemical structure of each of them, and influencing them, and replacing them in a way that increases the opportunity for man to obtain the greatest benefit and the least harm, to increase his chance of dominating the pharmaceutical industry. However, this future is fraught with risks, which represent a real threat; Quality, susceptibility to diseases, climate variability and change, and ill-advised cultivation, which would maintain the sustainability of these plants, need a radical solution.
    It is divided into two parts
    It is used in the treatment and is not used in the pharmaceutical industry
    It is used for branding and is used in the pharmaceutical industry.
    The session came out with several conclusions, including:
    Shedding light on a list that includes a group of the most famous and most important medicines and medicinal drugs from which natural plants and weeds are extracted, such as:
    Aspirin: Its main component is salicylic acid, which is extracted from the bark of the willow tree, and is used to relieve acute pain and treat blood clots and fever.
    Caffeine: a substance known to treat migraine headaches and headaches, and relieve aches and pains, and it is extracted from many natural plants such as tea leaves, kola nuts, and coffee beans.
    Cocaine: It is derived from the coca plant spread in South America, and its use as an anesthetic drug before preparing for surgeries.
  • Digoxin: This medicine is extracted from the oppressive digitalis mystic plants, and it is one of the necessary medicines used in the treatment of chronic heart diseases such as heart failure and atrial fibrillation.
  • Ginseng: which fights Alzheimer’s, enhances memory, treats high blood pressure and diabetes, and is involved in the treatment of many types of cancerous diseases.
    Bitter gourd: rich in potassium, phosphorous, and zinc, it is used in the treatment of symptoms of diabetes and chronic heart diseases and contributes to the treatment of many eyes and skin diseases.
    Clove: It is one of the effective natural herbs in relieving pain and inflammation, especially those affecting the gums and teeth. It is also one of the medicinal plants that treat many diseases of the upper respiratory tract.
    Barberry: It is a wonderful medicinal plant that contributes to strengthening immunity and fighting diseases and virus infections. It is also used in medicines to treat skin diseases, and liver and thyroid problems, and is used among medicines that treat blood poisoning.
  • Aloe vera: It is also a herbal plant from one of the plants used in the treatment of diseases of the colon and digestive system and relieves stomach ulcers and intestinal problems, in addition to its role in reducing harmful cholesterol levels in the blood, strengthening teeth, treating gum infections and other uses.

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