المعهد التقني الموصل ينظم ندوة علمية 1
Mosul Technical Institute organizes a scientific symposium (the economic impact of using laying hens of the miso genus in open breeding)
الكلية التقنية الإدارية تنظم حلقة نقاشية عن استخدام برنامج SPSS في الإحصاء اللامعلمي 1
The Administrative Technical College organizes a panel discussion on (Using SPSS in Non-parametric Statistics)
المعهد التقني الموصل ينظم ندوة علمية 1
Mosul Technical Institute organizes a scientific symposium (the economic impact of using laying hens of the miso genus in open breeding)
الكلية التقنية الإدارية تنظم حلقة نقاشية عن استخدام برنامج SPSS في الإحصاء اللامعلمي 1
The Administrative Technical College organizes a panel discussion on (Using SPSS in Non-parametric Statistics)
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Hawija Technical Institute organizes a scientific symposium on (Using the Scanner to Check Modern Cars)

المعهد التقني الحويجة ينظم ندوة علمية عن استخدام جهاز السكانر لفحص السيارات الحديثة 1

Under the patronage of the President of the Northern Technical University, Prof. Dr. Alia Abbas Ali Al-Attar, and under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Omar Khalil Ahmed, Dean of the Institute, the Department of Power Mechanics Techniques organized a scientific symposium on (Using the Scanner to Check Modern Cars(

The lecture was given at the symposium:

  • Mr. Issa Ahmed Issa.
  • Mr. Jassim Ibrahim Musa

The seminar was attended by a number of the institute’s employees.

The seminar dealt with:

The importance of the scanner to examine and diagnose electronic systems malfunctions in modern cars and the way the device works.

The seminar indicated:

Modern technology and electronics have entered into car systems, so these systems need electronic devices and programs capable of reading and diagnosing their malfunctions.

The seminar aimed to:

Introducing the participants to the importance and way of working of the scanner in modern cars and the problems and malfunctions that occur and the way to treat them

The seminar came out with the following recommendations:

  • Preparing training courses to learn about the scanner and how the device works.

Establishment of advanced maintenance workshops to check modern car systems

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