The President of the Northern Technical University chairs the periodic meeting of the Productive Activities Committee for the academic year 2021-2022
Hawija Technical Institute organizes a chess tournament
The President of the Northern Technical University chairs the periodic meeting of the Productive Activities Committee for the academic year 2021-2022
Hawija Technical Institute organizes a chess tournament
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Hawija Technical Institute concludes a course on (public safety)

A course on (Public Safety) was concluded at Hawija Technical Institute

The lecturers in the course are:

Assistant Professor Dr. Basir Khalaf Khazal.

Assistant Professor Dr. Ahmed Abdullah Danuk.

The two are instructors at the institute.

The session discussed:

Protection of workers in factories and work facilities from potential accidents that may cause injuries to the worker. Also, damages or damages to the property of the establishment.

The course indicated:

  • The necessity of using personal protective equipment and safety during work and not underestimating its importance.
  • The necessity of providing a first aid box in the workplace in order to deal with minor injuries quickly.
  • The necessity of keeping chemical and flammable materials away from workers’ gathering places as they are a source of real danger to factories, establishments, and their workers.
  • The necessity of activating the concept of occupational safety within factories and establishments by finding a supervisor for occupational safety so that he would follow up on safety requirements that would limit many accidents.
  • The need to focus on raising the readiness of workers in factories and establishments by carrying out exercises that would provide them with sufficient expertise on how to evacuate and deal with accidents when they occur.
  • The necessity of maintaining coordination between factory owners or those in charge of them with the Civil Defense Organization for Occupational Safety and Health and the concerned authorities.

The course aimed at:

  • Protecting the human element from injuries resulting from the risks of the work environment by preventing them from being exposed to accidents, injuries, and occupational diseases.
  • Preserving the components of the material element represented in the facilities and the devices and equipment they contain from damage and loss as a result of accidents.
  • Providing and implementing all occupational safety and health procedures that ensure a safe environment that prevents risks for the human and material elements.
  • Occupational safety and health as a scientific approach aims to establish safety and tranquility in the hearts of workers while they perform their work.

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