Northern Technical University in cooperation with Turkish universities…
The achievements of our Northern Technical University continue to reach the university’s formations, Kirkuk site…
Northern Technical University in cooperation with Turkish universities…
The achievements of our Northern Technical University continue to reach the university’s formations, Kirkuk site…
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Follow-ups of the President of the Northern Technical University…

The President of the Northern Technical University is inspecting the functioning of the examination committees at the Kirkuk Technical Institute.

As the continuous follow-up to the progress of the work of the university’s faculties and primary institutes in the strategic plans set by its sovereignty in the success of the educational process and the in-person and electronic exams and the presence of the Assistant President of the University for Scientific Affairs, Assistant Professor Dr. Alia Abbas Ali Al-Attar, the workflow of the central examining committees at the Kirkuk Technical Institute, and her Excellency toured the committees of all departments, and she expressed her satisfaction with the high organization she witnessed and exceptional efforts that continued beyond the official working hours, which indicates their high sense of responsibility to quickly and accurately complete the results. The members of the committees expressed their happiness over the visit, which Her Excellency included them. At the end of the visit, she called upon God for all to shine and succeed.

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