Program Aim

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The Higher Diploma Program of the Department of Electronic Management Technologies has a unique place because it does not focus only on electronic management, but rather gives its students detailed knowledge about all aspects of technology and its use in the field of management, which include:    1. E-learning applications  2. DSS Systems  3. E-business management  4. Organizational behavior   The Higher Diploma in Electronic Management Technologies differs from other disciplines in that it qualifies to acquire functional, scientific and practical experience at the same time, and this makes all sectors need its specialization, and among the most important learning outputs and technical and administrative skills acquired by graduates of this specialization are:    1. Artificial intelligence.  2. E-marketing.  3. Reading and analyzing financial reports. 4.Demonstrate independent learning ,which is necessary to update their skills in the workplace                 and changing technologies.  5. Depth: Depth of knowledge in the field of e-management specialization.  6. Research: The ability to conduct independent research.