بروشور تعريفي بالمعهد التقني كركوك .1
Introductory brochure at Kirkuk Technical Institute
جولة تفقدية للسيدة رئيس الجامعة التقنية الشمالية في أروقة الأقسام الداخلية ...2
An inspection tour of the President of the Northern Technical University in the corridors of the internal departments…
بروشور تعريفي بالمعهد التقني كركوك .1
Introductory brochure at Kirkuk Technical Institute
جولة تفقدية للسيدة رئيس الجامعة التقنية الشمالية في أروقة الأقسام الداخلية ...2
An inspection tour of the President of the Northern Technical University in the corridors of the internal departments…
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Education announces the opening of applications to the channel of the first 10% of graduates of institutes

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The Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research announces the opening of the electronic application form to the channel of the first 10% of graduates of institutes for admission to colleges and departments according to the corresponding specialization for the academic year 2022/2023. The Department of Studies, Planning, and Follow-up clarified that the application to this channel will continue until 10/04/2022 and that those authorized by the institutes will enter the data of the top students, while the application portal www.dirasat-gate.org  will be opened later for students to confirm their choices

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