unnamed 1
Personal Information:
Full name Asmaa Baker Naeif Ali AlDabbagh
The scientific title Lecturer
Employment position Academic staff
Department  Chemical and Petroleum Industries Technology Engineering
E-mail asmaabaker@ntu.edu.iq
Academic Degrees:
University Academic degree Date of the degree Specialization Country
Mosul university B.Sc. 1996 Chemistry Science Iraq
Mosul university M.Sc. 2000 Physical Chemistry Iraq
Mosul university Ph.D 2013 Physical Chemistry Iraq
Teaching experience:
Undergraduate Teaching YES
Graduate teaching
study materials
Academic stage Second Stage
Name of the lesson Petroleum Chemistry
Research and scientific activities:
Published researches 11
Conferences and Seminars 2
Membership in scientific and professional societies and publishing houses
Google Scholar
Research Gate
Scientific and research interests:
Physical Chemistry
Honors and awards:
Last researches