الجامعة التقنية الشمالية تنظم ورشة عمل لنظام الجباية الالكترونية.5
The Northern Technical University organized a workshop on the electronic tax collection system
455082672 1018551136727947 5897672600746840455 n
Members of Al-Injaz Company for Education, Training and Human Resource Development on a scientific visit to the Agricultural Technical College, Mosul.
الجامعة التقنية الشمالية تنظم ورشة عمل لنظام الجباية الالكترونية.5
The Northern Technical University organized a workshop on the electronic tax collection system
455082672 1018551136727947 5897672600746840455 n
Members of Al-Injaz Company for Education, Training and Human Resource Development on a scientific visit to the Agricultural Technical College, Mosul.
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Dr. Alyaa Abbas Ali Al-Attar, President of the Northern Technical University, held an extraordinary meeting

لقاءات السيدة رئيس الجامعة التقنية الشمالية الدورية

Dr. Alyaa Abbas Ali Al-Attar, President of the Northern Technical University, held an extraordinary meeting

with Dr. Dhnoon Younis Dhnoon, Assistant President for Administrative and Financial Affairs, the Dean of Mosul Institute, the Director of Internal Audit and Legal Affairs, and the Head of the Government Contracts Department. The meeting focused on preparations for leasing university spaces before the new academic year and addressing challenges in accordance with the provisions of the amended Law No. 21 of 2013 regarding the sale and lease of state

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