The Northern Technical University Launches the First Educational Guidance Week Under the patronage of the Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Dr. Naeem Al-Aboudi, and […]
Announcement The Northern Technical University announces the holding of its second international conference on sustainable development (2nd International Conference on Sustainable Development Techniques (ICSDT 2025)) in […]
Announcement The Northern University announces its third international conference on renewable energy (the third international conference on renewable energy (ICRE 2025)) in cooperation with a group […]
The Scientific Council for Continuing Education Management holds its periodic meeting. Headed by the President of Northern Technical University, Prof. Dr. Alia Abbas Ali Al-Attar, the […]
The President of Northern Technical University receives a representative of the UNDP organization…. Following the opening of laboratories, halls and technological workshops at Northern Technical University, […]
“For the first time, a scene has unfolded that the educational institution, which includes the Northern Technical University, has not witnessed in thirty-seven years…. Dr. Alia […]
The Northern Technical University organized a scientific seminar titled “Population Census and Its Importance in Serving the Community.” Under the patronage of Dr. Alia Abbas Al-Atar, […]
The Northern Technical University ignites its flame for the tenth consecutive year, celebrating the graduation of its students for the academic year 2023-2024. Under the patronage […]
President of Northern Technical University is a member and supervisor of a master’s thesis discussion committee that discusses (Using radar images and machine learning algorithms to […]
A Scene from dormitories Mrs. President of Northern Technical University, Prof. Dr. Aliaa Abbas Ali Al-Attar, on an evening tour at male students dormitories, listened to […]
The scouting ministerial team honors the President of Northern Technical University, Professor Dr. Alyaa Abbas Ali Al-Attar, with the forum shield at the closing of its […]
Northern Technical University concluded the activities of the scouting forum for public and private universities at its Kirkuk campus. Under the patronage and presence of its […]
the Scout Forum for Government and Private Universities … After the Scout Forum for Government and Private Universities hosted by our university in Kirkuk, Professor Dr. […]
Activities of the President of Northern Technical University in Kirkuk Prof. Dr. Alia Abbas Ali Al-Attar, President of the Northern Technical University, received Mr. Asaad Al-Khafaji […]
Preparations are continuing with all enthusiasm and love… One day left until the launch of the distinguished graduation carnival for the students of the Northern Technical […]