السيدة رئيس الجامعة التقنية الشمالية تفقد سير الامتحانات في تشكيلات الجامعة موقع الرشيدية.4
President of Northern Technical University inspects the progress of exams at the University’s Rashidia site.
photo1715857418 3
The Hawija Technical Institute conducts end-of-proficiency exams in person.
السيدة رئيس الجامعة التقنية الشمالية تفقد سير الامتحانات في تشكيلات الجامعة موقع الرشيدية.4
President of Northern Technical University inspects the progress of exams at the University’s Rashidia site.
photo1715857418 3
The Hawija Technical Institute conducts end-of-proficiency exams in person.
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An inspection visit by the Dean of the College of Agricultural Technology to the internal departments of the students of the Northern Technical University.

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An inspection visit by the Dean of the College of Agricultural Technology to the internal departments of the students of the Northern Technical University.

According to the directives of the Honorable President of the Northern Technical University, Professor Dr. Alia Abbas Al-Attar, to conduct inspection visits to students of the internal departments.
The Dean of the College of Agricultural Technology, Professor Dr. Shihab Ahmed Al-Bajari, accompanied by the Assistant Dean for Administrative and Financial Affairs, Prof. Dr. Ali Ghanem Ayoub
The Head of the Department of Desertification Combat Technologies, Dr. Fares Faisal Abdul-Ghani and Mr. Diaa Al-Khattabi, Director of the Media and Government Communication Division, made an inspection visit to the students of the internal departments in the Al-Mansour Complex.
The visit aims to review the students’ conditions and secure their needs and requirements
His Excellency met with a number of students during the visit and listened to their requests and problems, instructing the director of internal departments to provide the necessary supplies to the students and overcome all obstacles they face.
He stressed to the students that the university presidency is keen to provide a housing environment that suits their aspirations and meets all their needs.
His Excellency conducted an inspection tour in the corridors of the internal departments – Al-Mansour, praising the role of those responsible in protecting, security and safety of students, buildings and internal department property.
Wishing everyone continued success and success in serving our students and our dear university.

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