f8e4b21e f8dd 4df4 80c8 90494234d0fb
As part of the (Open Door) policy, the Dean of the Technical Institute / Kirkuk receives citizens within the mechanism of the Citizens Affairs Office.
بعد تكلل مساعيها بالنجاح في دولة رومانيا ودولة قطر6
After the great success of its endeavors in the State of Romania and the State of Qatar…
f8e4b21e f8dd 4df4 80c8 90494234d0fb
As part of the (Open Door) policy, the Dean of the Technical Institute / Kirkuk receives citizens within the mechanism of the Citizens Affairs Office.
بعد تكلل مساعيها بالنجاح في دولة رومانيا ودولة قطر6
After the great success of its endeavors in the State of Romania and the State of Qatar…
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A scientific visit

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The Department of Electrical Power Technologies Engineering organized a scientific visit for the students of the second stage to the island irrigation project, to enhance the practical side in the engineering specialization accompanied by the teaching staff:
Dr. Mohammed Yahya Suleiman/Professor
Laith Abdul-Jabbar Khalaf / Assistant Professor
Duha Abdel Moneim Mohamed/Assistant Lecturer
Sawsan Najeeb Abdullah/Assistant Lecturer
During the scientific visit, the students were introduced to the work system of the irrigation project, the main pumps, the irrigation energy, watching the pumping process, and a detailed explanation of all parts of the system, the stages of control, control panels and the mechanism of linking with the pumping system.

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