The department seeks to be a pioneer among its peers in terms of achieving a high level in the field of education (theoretical and practical) and in accordance with quality standards in higher education, scientific research, and community service in electrical and production applications.
The message
The mission of the Department of Electrical Technologies (Power Branch) at the Northern Technical University/Kirkuk Technical Institute is to provide students with a high scientific and technical background and increase their research capabilities in the field of electrical technologies used in a wide range of applications. The department also focuses on three main axes: teaching, scientific research, and community service.
The department aims to prepare high-level technical cadres capable of competing in solving the problems of society and industry and carrying out developmental research, as well as working in accordance with high-quality academic and practical standards that lead to meeting the need of the community and the local and regional engineering sector for qualified cadres and achieving partnership with industrial bodies in the public and private sectors.