شعار جديد

Computer systems technologies

Northern Technical University
Technical Institute of Kirkuk
Computer Systems Techniques Department
➢ About the Department:
The department is headed by ) Abbas B. NOORI ) which was established in the year of (1988-1989), aims to prepare specialized staff in the fields of computer systems, digital systems and all modern technologies of this specialty, in addition to the fields of computer database and its belongings and familiarity with software systems and its work details. The department accepts preparatory school graduates
of scientific section only.
The duration of study in this department is two years.
The department’s curricula were developed by specialized committees and in line with modern technologies in this specialty to prepare technical engineering staff capable of production and development.
➢ Vision of the department
The department’s vision is consisted of establishing the department on modern scientific concepts to get acquainted with the worldwide development. As a result the department becomes outstanding, provides the student with all information and technical skills that contribute in having a brilliant future, besides providing scientific facilities for the community through conducting specialized trainings and having scientific advises.